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FOREVER - "The Last Death of Henry Morgan" - Henry and Adam have been on a long, unrelenting collision course, which is about to come to a head - possibly bringing about one man's death - with only Jo standing in the way. Henry and Jo's murder investigation into a museum worker's death centers on a priceless missing ancient dagger, which not only ended the life of Julius Caesar, but also killed Adam the first time. Meanwhile, Adam knows that there is something that Henry fears more than death - that Jo might discover his mystery. The two men tangle in a tumultuous game-changing confrontation. But at long last, will Jo finally learn about Henry's secret? The Season Finale of "Forever" airs TUESDAY, MAY 5 (10:00-11:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Patrick Harbron) IOAN GRUFFUDD

spoilerEm The Last Death of Henry Morgan, último episódio da temporada de Forever que será transmitido nesta terça-feira (5) na TV americana, o perigoso jogo de Henry e Adam tem terríveis consequências.

Enquanto isso, Jo investiga o assassinato de um funcionário de um museu, onde encontrava-se a adaga responsável pela primeira morte de Adam. O protagonista acaba ficando em uma encruzilhada, em solucionar o crime ou ter o seu segredo revelado para a parceira.

Fim da linha: saiba quais séries correm o risco de serem canceladas 

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